Senseo coffee machine wont work anymore? Some workarounds!

Within the last years we sold many of those Philips Senseo pod coffee machines. I prefer them towards those environment polluting capsule machines. So we use the Philips Senseo HD7810/60 by ourselves and know a lot about troubleshooting here.

Maybe we can avoid that you discard a machine which only needs a descaling or another workaround 🙂 (if not – we can offer many different Philips Senseo machines)
Here the standard issues we know and what helps.

water drips out / water is coming out of the machine
If the water is brown and tastes like coffee you might didnt close the lid by 100% or didnt place the coffee pod correct.
If the water is just water the valve in the bottom of the water tank might stuck due lime. Descale the tank by putting some citrone acid into it.

the main button of the Philips Senseo is flashing and no coffee comes out
This means your machine gets no water. The valve can stuck or the magnetic swimmer stucks. Descale the tank by putting some citrone acid into it and beat the tank a bit to release the swimmer. If this wont help the lid might not be closed by 100%.

i cant open the lid even if i use a lot of power!
One customer ruined his machine as he did pull with a lot of force onto the lid as it stucks. The reason is a vacuum the machine produces sometimes by pressing out all water and air. Just wait some hours or try to get between lid and the sealing with a thin knife etc.

even if we press the two cups coffee button we get max. coffee for one pot!?
Descale the machine. As longer you wait to descale it as less coffee you get per brewing.

Feel free to comment if you have another issue. Usually a descaling of the machine and an extra descaling of the water tank resolves 99% of the issues.
We use those machines for years and they really work great.

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