Transformez votre radio!

Etveryday life in the construction industry can be stressful and physically demanding. But music can be extremely motivating at work. Motived craftsmen get the job done faster and maybe they will complain a little less loudly about the job or about overtimes. In the end it makes your boss happy and yourself of course, too

But not every radio is suitable for every construction site or for every construction worker. Therefore, we offer this Makita radio in our boutique.

But why should you buy a construction site radio from Makita at all? Quite simplehere we tell you why:

Makita can not only produce tools of high quality. Millions of satisfied Makita customers cannot be wrong. Radios from Makita offer a very pleasant sound and can even take a bump or dirt without any problems. Conventional radios usually have to give up after a few months being used. After all, they were originally designed for a completely different purpose.

Also the Makita radio includes the modern and digital radio standard called DAB+. So easy to use: It is bluetooth-capable and therefore knows how to convince with its easy wireless connection of mobile devices.

And last but not least: battery of your Makita radio is low? Just use your battery (just capable with 18v LXT and 10.8v/12v MAX CXT) of your Makita drilling machine to extend the battery for some hours. Just in case you wont use the drilling machine of course. 🙂

Convince yourself and have a look at notre boutique!

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